3. Sleep enough
Every living creature needs to sleep. Sleep is especially important for teenagers and children as it directly impacts mental and physical growth and development. The main benefit of sleep is the release of growth hormone which is needed by your body so that it can grow (toddlers can grow as much as 1.5cm overnight!).
As you grow up you will need to spend more time on homework and meeting with friends (online and offline). Some of the things we do as we get older can make it hard for us to sleep (e.g. using social media or watching TV close to bedtime). Remember that your parents are not punishing you if they send you to bed - they know that you need rest to grow taller, to concentrate and to be happy! If you do not get enough sleep it can be bad for your health and can cause problems like not being able to pay attention in school, being in a bad mood or putting on extra weight.
Teenagers should be getting between 9- 10 hours per night. If you tend to sleep late on the weekend, that’s a message from your body to tell you that you need to sleep more on school nights. To help get to sleep many teenagers find it useful to turn their phone and other screens off one hour before bedtime. Many teenagers say that this can be difficult at first but that it makes a real different. They know that their texts and updates will be there in the morning so they won’t miss out but they value their rest. For those teenagers that are being teased or bullied, this is extra important as often they feel more in control when they just switch the device OFF!
I’m not a good sleeper: what can I do? See
here for tips on sleeping better.