Now that you know how to tell what’s in the food that you buy, you can keep a good routine around food and eating at home.
- Make sure that your child has a healthy breakfast everyday.
- If your child does not currently eat breakfast, encourage them to eat even a small amount. Lead by example by making sure you also have a healthy breakfast!
- A healthy breakfast should have fibre and no sugar. Avoid sugary cereals and go for cereals that are made from bran, wheat or oats.
- Make sure that your child brings a healthy lunch to school and that their drink does not contain sugar.
- Avoid fizzy drinks and instead give them water or milk.
- Do not include treats such as bars or crisps in your child’s lunchbox
- A piece of fruit makes a perfect snack for little break
- Make dinners that are low in fat and that contain lots of vegetables
- Sit down together for dinner and turn off the television
- For drinks, use water or milk.
- Try to include as much homemade food as possible as processed foods usually contain higher amounts of fat, salt and sugar.
- Limit take-aways to occasional treats
If you need help on cooking healthier food, try this nifty Meal Mixer!